Competition Calendar 2020-2021
8 September 2020
- The competition Calendar for the season 2020-2021 has been updated as far as possible untill 08-09-2020. When we have received the information from the countries we will also add the local calendars into the system. We will do our utmost best to keep the calendar as much as possible updated.
Please pay attention to the fact that due to local Corona measures it can not be garanteed that competitions will take place or can be cancelled in the last moment. We advice to always wait with making travel arrengements and hotel accomodation untill at least the announcement of a competition is published or better wait untill the last possible moment with making reservations.
A printable version of the most updated Shorttrack Competition Calendar can be found on the page LINKS at the right top side under the header Calendars. Please send corrections by Email to